Turquoise and Red Porcelain Balls Lariat Looking Necklace
IMG_2260(Newest)(CROPPED)redballs1IMG_2265 turq and redlariatlike C.UIMG_2260Ljust cropped turqred lariat

Turquoise and Red Porcelain Balls Lariat Looking Necklace


Fashionably long lariat looking necklace with turquoise magnesite chain and red porcelain balls.

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SKU: #272 Categories: ,

Product Description

To me, this necklace looks like a lariat, a type of necklace which I love and make. However, you don’t have to tie it the way you need to with a real lariat.

This necklace is fashionably long at 37 inches. Its chain is made out of small (4-5 mm.) turquoise magnesite heishi rondells and ends with the two porcelain hand-decorated red balls (30 mm. in diameter). It ends with an ornate silver toggle, which is complementary to the silver caps decorating the balls.